Friday, 18 July 2008


Well its been a long and tough week for me. Lots of ups and downs. A relief was that my bloods have come back normal so I am not aneamic. Nor is the calcium level in my blood high. So I am still no closer to finding out why i have this rib pain. Went back to see my own GP on Wednesday. He examined me. When he touched the place where i have the pain i nearly fell off the couch!. We have decided that the next step is to have a chest Xray so I spent most of Wednesday sat in x-ray. He also signed me off sick till the end of term which is a relief. A cheer up was Wednesday evening when I went to the cinema to see Mamma mia. There is a group of 6 of us who all have kids in the same year at school and we try and make the effort to go out once a month to cinema /restauarants/theatre -whatever takes our fancy!. We are all off to Spain at the end of September for a girls weekend and I can't wait!. We downed two jugs of Pimms in Lloyds and then went to the film. It was FANTASTIC -we all were singing away!
Chris, MyMacmillan nurse has been helping and supporting me. Shes also come up trumps and has got me an appointment with the consultant on Monday morning so thats another step forward!. I have also got an appointment with the lymphodema nurse on Monday which is good as its been quite bad.
Term is slowly coming to a close for Christopher. Today we had his sports day. It drizzled slightly but didn't stop all the kids having fun. Unfortunately no chairs were provided for the adults so my hip is really aching badly from having to stand for so long. This is something else i will need to talk to the consultant as the pain is definately worsening.
So I am ending this week definately more positive than the week before.Looking forward to a weekend of lots of sleep and rest. Am hoping to get to the Garden centre, visit my grandad and then we are going to Mum and Dads for a BBQ on Sunday.
Chris has only got three days more of school and then looking forward to a summer of fun! -Just wish the weather would clear up


Anonymous said...

Lovely that you have had a reasonable week in that your bloods are ok . End of term things are great at school aren't they? Enjoy the hols with Christopher ignore the weather and do what you both want to without worrying about time. I agree with Merrie have you a Hickman line ? Us Nurses never retire in our heads even though we have both retired from work !!! Susan xx

Unknown said...

Hi Jools,you are sounding quite positive at the moment. Enjoy Christopher's holidays and take each day as it comes.
Love Merrie xxx