Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Leaking like a seive

Yes thats right. My arm is offically a seive.
Usual nightmare Ct scan. Wasn't allowed to eat or drink for 4 hours before my scan. When I arrived a man in the waiting area was eating. It was awful, i was so hungry I wanted to rip the orange out of his hands and eat it. Managed to drink the disgusting barium liquid although it did make me quite queasy on an empty stomach
Had the usual problems finding a vein. After two attempts I insisted they bring a supervisor. By the time she came my arm was so cold. They filled a glove up with hot water and tried to warm my hand up. The supervisor took over and also had a go. Eventually she managed to find a vein in the back of my hand. Wow! blood went everywhere, all over the nurse and the floor. They flushed it several times to make sure it was ok and made me sit in the prep area rather than going back to the waiting room just in case it failed. I hate CT scans so much. You have to put your hands over your head. As i had my lymph nodes taken out of my left arm I find this really difficult and painful. So I had my left arm hurting from that and my right from the cannula. Then the flushing bit which always makes you feel like you have wet yourself. It feels so undignified as you really feel that you have. Eventually it was all over and done with and i was allowed take my multiple bandaged arm and go home to a much needed cup of tea. Now I have to wait till Thursday 15th for the results. I think its going to be a long long week.


NeuroMama said...

I'm so sorry to hear the the experience was so unpleasant. I hope you get good news, which would make that unpleasantness all worth it (well, mostly worth it...probably). I'll be sending good thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Jools, you had a terrible experience. I hope that the results tomorrow are good. Sending cyber hugs.
Merrie xxx

Anonymous said...

Bless you Jools
I'll be thinking of you - and praying too (hope that's OK with you!).
Take care xxxxx

Trekkie said...

Still keeping everything crossed for you - do you know how hard it is to type like this??????

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Jools, remember my CT scan, orange flavoured stuff, bleurggggghhhh. And the wet feeling but i was warned, luckily. Hoping you have some good news, take care
janjam (DOL)