Sunday, 14 September 2008

Another busy weekend

Another weekend has flown by. I never learn do I - constantly cramming things to do. Its been a good one though. Friday night I went to my friend Shelaghs house for dinner. It was lovely -we had Melon, followed by Bobooti. I have never eated this before - it was lovely -mince, tomatoes but also apricots and raisins. We finished with Lime torte, Tiramasu and cheese. It was mentioned that I was a bit quiet but think that was because I was several glasses of wine behind everyone else. I don't like to drink too much these days as I get quite sick as it doesn't work well with all my tablets. Gordon had all his friends round so I made Lemon Drizzle cake and brownies which was yummy!
Saturday we went round doing errands. I had to buy Christopher a cub jumper as he is moving up to cubs. We went and bought a new microwave, stuff to fix our PC which is broken and Lights for mine and Christophers bikes. We also ordered Christopher's Christmas present -a new bike. Am very excited about this. His current bike is really old as it was a hand me down from a friend so can't wait for him to get the new one. In the evening we went over to Jenny and Darrens house for dinner. They live in the village so we cycled there. Was very proud of Christopher -hes doing well with his bike riding. Another lovely evenung -I didnt drink too much as I was soo tired. Jenny cooked mexican and then we had a chocolate fountain for dessert which the kids loved. Was so tired when i got home -me and Gordon had a bit of an argument cycling home cos we were too tired so went straight to bed.
Today was a relaxing day at home. We had been invited out but i was getting concerned at how tired I was. I weeeded all my vegetable plot and Gordon cut the grass -the garden always looks great when this is done. I made blackberry and apple jam with the blackberries that Christopher and I had picked on Thursday. My neighbour gave me a lot of apples so some went into the jam. I also made some apple sauce. Christopher made apple crumble which he really enjoyed doing. I think that its so important for kids to learn to cook and to enjoy cooking. We had roast pork with all the trimmings and it was fantastic
Gordon took chris out for some more bike riding - Chris is hoping to pass his Bronze award at beavers tomorrow night so his challenge is to learn to ride his bigger bike. He came back all proud as he managed to ride to the local shop and back without stopping. He started cubs last Friday which he loves already and is also starting guitar lessons this week. Can't believe how tall he is now - my baby is growing up too fast!. Don't want to miss a second of it either!

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