Monday, 23 February 2009

End of Half Term

Chris was off school for an inset day today. We have had a lovely time together over half term last week. We've been to the cinema (three times!), to Birdworld and also to a Farm Park with Friends. Been good to go out with friends as it means someone is there to look after Chris if I had to sit down and rest. Its been lovely to spend time with Christopher. Although only 8 he looks after me so well and takes such good care of me. I feel proud but sad about this as I feel I have made him grow up quicker than normally. He knows that I cannot do as much as I used to and that i need to rest at times but we find other things to do that don't involve standing too much.
Today I went to the hospice for some complementary therapy. Having reflexology does me so much good. I can totally relax and switch off whilst having the treatment. I did manage to fall asleep only for the fire alarm to wake me up. It was only a test but felt quite groggy after it as i had fallen asleep quite heavily. When I got back home i picked up Christopher from my neighbours and me, Chris, My neighbour and her little boy walked across the field to have lunch at our local pub. A lovely end to a lovely week.
I shall miss my little man when he goes back to school. He's always got a happy smile or a thought to share to keep my spirits up and remind me how lucky I am to be his mum.

1 comment:

Trekkie said...

I know what you mean about missing them when they go back to school - at the end of holidays, people always say 'bet you're glad they're going back'. But I always miss them.