Saturday, 28 February 2009

Creating a sanctuary

Recently due to the fact that tire so easily and that some days suffer quite badly from pain. I have noticed a deterioration in my health since last September especially with regard to energy levels. By 8pm I am often to be found tucked up in bed as its were I am at my most comfortable. I also feel that this is a room that I will be spending more and more time over the next few years so it has become important to me to make it nice and be a place where people can visit me when I am unable to get out of bed..or even when I am just too tired and want company.
We don't have too much money so need to use what furniture I have and in time slowly replace them. ALso trying to cut down on clutter and just have the things that mean the most to me... Christophers stories, candles, my favourite books, my jewelry.
We went out today and bought the paint to get started hopefully tomorrow. I couldn't afford to replace my curtains as they are very expensive so have taken the colour schemes from them. They are cream red and olive. SO we have decided to paint one wall as a feature wall in 'overtly olive'. The rest of the walls will be daffodil white. Gordon bought me a wonderful candlelabra for the bedroom which is so gorgous.I am really looking forward to see it all done and create a 'true sanctuary' for me. I hope to post photos once its finished. Going to sign off now as I am falling asleep.

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