Friday, 5 December 2008


We had a HUGE scare last night. Chris came home from his cub carol service with a glow stick. Got him ready for bed, switched his light off and went and got into my bed as I was exhausted. All of a sudden Christopher started screaming ''mummy, mummy'. I have never heard him scream like that EVER
Rushed into his room. He had been playing with the glow stick in bed and it had split and squirted into his eye. Rushed him into the bathroom and just kept running water into his eye
He eventually stopped screaming and this morning is fine -no damage at all. Checked on the internet and the fluid is not toxic and will just irritate the eye a little.Took us a while to calm down though.
I keep hearing him scream for me though in my mind. Even though he is 9 next year he still wanted his mum when things are bad. It just worrys me that I don't know how long I'll be around to do that and be there for him


unicorn said...

Jools, that must have been really scary. I admit that I'd never heard of them and have just looked them up online. Glad there's no permanent damage.

Trekkie said...

My kids have had them quite a few times - always from school events. I've never heard of them splitting though.

Anonymous said...

Jools, you were there when he needed you, he will never forget that. Just be there for as long as you are, that is all any of us can hope for. I worry about my girls should anything happen to me, but we can't live our lives like that can we. Just love your family as much as you can, while you can.... my motto anyway

Anonymous said...

Jools.... don't beat yourself up about this...... as a Mum you will always find something to feel guilty about regardless of the situation.

Go and have a nice cuddle with him.
