I am feeling better this week although still so tired all the time. This week has been scan week...both have had their ups and downs
On Tuesday I went for a bone scan. I hate bone scans..as I am slightly claustrophobic. In the morning I went for the radioactive dye which is injected into my arm. As usual the nurse struggled to find a vein. After two failed attempts she went and found a doctor who got the needle in first time. After that I had to go away and came back three hours later for the scan. With a bone scan the plate is so close to your face. It is very slow , you are strapped to the table and not allowed to move. I managed to get through it all using yoga techniques and keeping my eyes closed!
Wednesday was my ct scan. The night before we again had a heavy fall of snow. We listened to the radio when we woke and were really alarmed to hear that all the roads were gridlocked. It wasn't looking likely that we would make it to the hospital. My appointment was at 9.15 so I took Christopher to my neighbours and me and Gordon set off at 8am. The local radio station kept reporting heavy traffic and jack knifed lorries..on top of the stress of having a scan this wasn't helping!. We managed to get half way to the hospital in the car before the adverse weather stopped us. So we parked the car and decided to make the rest of the way on foot. It was really hard going as the snow was so deep..by the time I got to the hospital I was almost dead on my feet..Luckily I had Gordon and my walking stick to get my through. When I looked at myself in the mirror I was bright red in the face!
After yesterdays fiasco over the needle I took a hot water bottle with me and strapped it to my arm. I was so glad we had made it in..the phone in the office kept ringing with patients cancelling...the receptioneist said that If I had cancelled I would not have got a new appointment for at least 6 weeks. The CT staff were filling up the appointment gaps by scanning in patients which I found very distressing. There was a huge shortage of porters..one old man in a wheelchair had to sit there for over an hour and he kept screaming for someone to come and take him back to his ward. Another man in a bed was parked next to my chair...at first I thought he was unconscious but after a while he came round and kept pulling his trousers down and exposing himself which I found quite upsetting. As fast as the nurses kept pulling his trousers up, he kept pulling them down. I was so glad when he got taken back to his ward.
The hot water bottle helped and after yesterday i asked the nurses not to try and put the cannula into my arms and asked them to fetch the doctor. It was the same Doctor who was successful the day before. She was brilliant again and got the cannula in so fast. I dislike Ct Scans as when they flush your vein it feels like you have wet yourself..Fortunately I was expecting this and was glad that the scan went fine and very quickly. I was glad to find out when I came out of the scanning room to see Gordon. He had managed to retrieve the car from where we had abandoned it and brought it up to the hospital to take me hom. This was a huge relief as I knew that I hadn't the energy to walk back to where we had left it.
Now I have to wait...results are next Thursday so I need everyone to keep their fingers crossed for me.
The scans took a lot of energy out of me so haven't done much else this week. I did find time to treat myself to a hair cut. My hair has not been great recently and a lot of it has fallen out so I decided to have it all cut off into a new funky style. It looks great and is a real confidence booster for me
Don't forget to keep your fingers crossed!