I mentioned that last year we adopted a gorgeous labrador/spaniel puppy called Minnie. She came to us when she was just 12 weeks old and was called Domino (on account of the white spots on her tum). We all thought Minnie suited her better..she is such a lady. I have never had a dog as good natured as Minnie..she is so loving. She loves hugs, cuddles and still thinks she is a lap dog although now she is getting a little bit big for my lap!. Christopher adores her..every morning she curls up at the foot of his ladder waiting for him to come down and play. Quite often they cuddle up on the same bean bag for a big hug. We were really unsure about getting a dog so young..you all know how scared I get about looking towards the future but once we saw her we fell in love. She has brought so much happiness into a house that definately needs it!
Here is a few pictures ranging from 12 weeks to 10 months of Minnie